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Jaimie Poiron -

Shodan-ho    2019

Shodan          2020

I was born here in Nanaimo in 2003. My mother wanted me to speak a second language so she enrolled me in the francophone program. I’m currently a student in the francophone program at Nanaimo District Secondary School. 


Before karate, I played soccer, swam, and did ballet and hip-hop. But when I was seven years old, I took some trial classes for karate in the summer, and instantly found my new favourite sport. I officially started karate at Shima in September of that year with my friend and my brother. 


At the rank of brown belt, I started assisting in classes. Teaching others has taught me so much more than what I could have learned on my own.


I received the honour of wearing a black belt in July 2019, ending one chapter of my journey, while starting the next. I plan to continue karate for as long as possible. 


Karate is so much more than self-defense. Karate has given me the chance to improve myself both physically and mentally while giving me the opportunity to practice self-discipline, responsibility, and to never quit when it gets hard.


Outside of karate, I enjoy playing piano, reading, drawing, and cycling. I am also currently learning how to speak Spanish, for I hope to travel someday and I have a love for languages. At school, I enjoy science and languages the most.


What I have learned in karate will stay with me for life, since the principles of karate and the lessons I learned can be applied to your everyday life.

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