Steve Thomas

Shodan-ho 2014
Shodan 2015
Nidan-ho 2016
Nidan 2017
I was born in Nanaimo and grew up in Lantzville where I currently reside. I attended Seaview Elementary, Wellington Secondary and then completed high school at N.D.S.S. After working in construction and as a truck driver, I completed my Bachelor of Education degree through the University of Victoria and began my career as a teacher.
I have always been an active person enjoying a wide variety of sports and activities. Downhill skiing has been a passion since I was a teenager and I have been a runner for many, many years. I have enjoyed playing badminton, tennis and squash over the years as well as scuba diving, windsurfing and winter camping. Much of my spare time has been spent whitewater kayaking and on extended ocean kayaking trips to the west coast. My need to be around the water also extends to saltwater fishing on both the east and west coasts of the island.
My interest in the martial arts began when I studied judo for several months at age eleven. It continued when at 17 I studied Shotokan under Sensei Sam McGee in Nanaimo reaching the level of blue belt. Travel overseas and work elsewhere in the province resulted in a rather lengthy hiatus from actively pursuing my studies in the martial arts.
Fortunately, this interlude came to an end when my daughter, who began training with Sensei Maximchuk in Lantzville, encouraged me to again put on a gi. I thoroughly enjoyed my classes with Sensei Maximchuk as I began to study the teachings and techniques of Goju Ryu. My appreciation for the style was further enhanced when I was able to continue my studies under Sensei Nordli.
My goal is to continue studying Goju Ryu for as long as I am able. I enjoy the physical challenges and the mental focus required and I feel fortunate to belong to such an active and well-run dojo.